International Herald Tribune:China's response to quake is unusually open
New York Times:Rescuers Struggle to Reach Quake Survivors
Los Angeles Times:In the US, anxious Chinese immigrants follow news of quake
New York Daily News: New Yorkers fear for kin in China
San Francisco Chronicle:Bay Area Chinese try to reach kin, friends.
Christian Science Monitor:China moves quickly in quake zone
Toronto Star:'Major geological disaster'
The Guardian:Dujiangyan's residents Distress turns to anger at Chinese officials ('This is not a natural disaster - this is done by humans')
New Scientist :Accepted level of earthquake risk in China 'too high'
The Australian:Quake bus 'shaking like crazy'
Le Monde: Le pouvoir chinois confronté au séisme du Sichuan
Le Figaro: Séisme en Chine : les premiers secours arrivent
Liberation: «Nous n'avons aucun moyen de prédire un séisme»
震源の浅さが被害拡大の原因 中国地震
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